新型冠狀病毒本身不是什麼可怕的病毒,冠狀病毒本身就是一個常常造成感冒的病毒而已。 這次的疫情在不實消息渲染下讓新型冠狀病毒是個被聯想成像某種「黑死病系列」的毀滅性可怕病毒;但事實上它可怕是因為傳染力強,而且在特定族群裡面造成重症及死亡率偏高,所以一不小心太多人感染,重症又多起來的話醫療體系就會無法負荷。 再次強調,在打到 疫苗 之前,宅好宅滿就是你最好的選擇。 另外有抽菸、體重又重的你可能要注意一下。 剩下的圖片都整理好了🙃 請大家分享給大家。
#新冠疫情 #新冠 #疫情 #宅好宅滿 #疫苗
COVID-19 itself is not a deadly virus. To most people, it’s merely an viral infection that causes common cold like symptoms, however it could also lead to serious sickness and death to some. The reason one should be scared of COVID is because it’s contagious and of it spreads too quickly, the number of seriously ill patients will increase proportionally. The most important thing one should consider is get vaccinated ASAP, maintain healthy lifestyle, control your chronic illnesses and stay home if possible. Please share to those who are important to you.
#covid #vaccine #stayhomestaysafe