💥My Doctor Says...(附中文)
“Second Episode: Knee effusion”
🤔 ‘ Effusion in the knee joint’ can sometimes be confusing when your doctor tells you that they need a syringe to extract the excess fluid in the knee joint!
👨🏻⚕️ The situation of knee effusion happens in every other joint after vigorous exercises like running and weightlifting. With appropriate stretching and low intensity cardio(E. Woitzik, et al 2019), excess synovial fluid cycles back into our blood circulation, like how we have muscle pump and it goes flat hours after a workout
🧠 Is excess fluid in the knee joint the cause of knee pain? Often not. We need to take into account of the volume of excess synovial fluid. Over 20-30 mL is considered as pathologic. Up to 40-50 mL of bloody fluid might be extracted after an ACL rupture! More than often the source of pain is overlooked by physicians that lies in the quality articular joint motion
📌 So instead of blaming the swelling, we should start to be more active and take good care of our own body for recovery
🤔 很常聽到病人說,我去找醫師照了一個什麼,醫師說我膝蓋有積水。那到底為什麼會積水,積水到底是不是造成膝蓋疼痛的原因呢?

👨🏻⚕️膝關節是其中一個最容易積水的「關節」。膝關節屬於負重關節,在一般行走時,膝關節需要承受體重的2-3倍壓力(D D’Lima et al, 2012)。當我們進行激烈運動時,像長跑或深蹲的時候,膝關節承受的壓力會特別大。壓力增加,關節就需要更多關節液來「潤滑」關節,避免關節內的軟骨造成更大的磨損。而關節液的增加,還會讓關節內的溫度上升,這樣不僅可以暖身還可以達到「暖關節」的作用

🧠 運動過後,多餘的關節液可以藉由血液循環來帶走。如果沒有適當的在運動後做伸展,或做低強度的 有氧 運動(E. Woitzik, et al 2019),便會造成關節液滯留,也就是「積水」。臨床上「積水」的程度可分成三種,5-10mL 以下屬於輕微,20-30mL屬於中度,30-40mL以上屬嚴重。抽出來的關節液依據顏色、濃稠度、白血球數目等等來做分析

📌 如果只是輕微膝蓋水腫,建議先試著做適當的伸展、低強度有氧運動像是立式腳踏車,把腳抬高做腳踝幫浦運動,或尋求物理治療師,做適合你的治療運動 ❤️ 分享到你的限時動態再標記我

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