💥 卧推手腕疼痛成因(English scroll down)
“運動物理治療師 vs 會運動的物理治療師”
🤔 最近朋友讓我看一個影片,影片的內容大概是一個物理治療師Youtuber在解釋為什麼卧推會疼痛的原因。他把疼痛的原因歸納為三個:
1️⃣ 伸腕肌群受傷
2️⃣ 肩膀卡住了
3️⃣ 脖子壓到神經
👀 問題是問:「卧推為什麼手腕會疼痛」其實聽完他講的東西後,我有點黑人問號,不太能認同,根據他的說法,也不符合卧推技巧會使用到肌群。這邊我綜合了我的臨床經驗(健身傷害的個案),以及我的個人訓練經驗,歸納出三個卧推時手腕出現疼痛的成因
1️⃣ 手腕三角纖維軟骨複合體受傷:簡稱三角軟骨(TFCC),包括了橈腕關節(radiocarpal joint)跟腕中關節(midcarpal joint)的周邊韌帶、軟骨、肌腱。三角軟骨有穩定關節跟保護關節的作用。在重覆性重壓或扭轉的動作下,三角軟骨便會受傷,因而產生腕關節周邊的疼痛

2️⃣ 手腕非承重關節:日常生活中姿勢多維持在站、坐或仰躺。當我們在四足跪姿,手腕支撐上肢體重時,或卧推握槓,手腕呈伸直或過度伸直(往後折)的位置。這位置是腕關節最緊密的位置(Closed-pack position),這時關節內壓力會增加,如果並不常讓手腕負重,腕關節內壓力瞬間增加,便會產生疼痛

3️⃣ 肩關節穩定度不佳:卧推的動作跟深蹲有異曲同工之妙。踝關節的不穩會影響骨盆,肩關節的不穩會影響手腕。卧推重量很重的時候,總會有一邊肩膀往下掉(內轉),會使手腕過度伸直,之後的便是上面講的兩個成因了,關節與關節之間的動作會互相影響,肩關節穩定度變好,卧推力量傳導也會改善

💥 Wrist pain in bench press
“Sports Physiotherapist vs Physiotherapist does sports”
🤔 In early September a dear friend of mine sent me a video, which is a physical therapist Youtuber explaining to a fitness Youtuber the cause of wrist pain in bench press. He stated three reason as below:
1️⃣ Injury of wrist extensor group
2️⃣ Shoulder is stuck( I hate the word stuck)
3️⃣ Cervical spine nerve compression
👀 My brain could not think of anything but question marks. Personally I do NOT agree with his statement, first it might lead to misunderstanding of the public, second it makes no sense at all. So I thought I would combine my clinical experience and self-training recount in the best of my knowledge, to summarize 3 main reasons for wrist pain in bench pressing
1️⃣ Triangular Fibrocarilage Complex(TFCC) injury: the complex contains ligaments, tendons and cartilage laying around the mid-carpal and the radiocarpal joint. It protects and cushions from compressive forces. Repetitive combined extension and rotational movement put unnecessary stress to the complex that may cause pain
2️⃣ Wrist joint as a non-weight bearing joint: a lot of people are not accustomed to bearing bodyweight on the wrist joint, especially in all four-position where the wrist joint(Continued in the comment)