💥”Congenital” Anterior Pelvic Tilt(附中文)“Not scary at all”-Should we be scared if I tell you we are born with anterior pelvic tilt? Absolutely not. Let’s talk about the angle of tilting and how we should measure it-If we look at the body from the lateral side on a X-ray image, draw an imaginary line from the PSIS to the ASIS , and the angle formed with the transverse plane is the pelvic angle. It measures the pelvic tilting position in a natural relaxed state. Normal range for pelvic angle is 13° ± 6° [J. C. Le Huec et al., 2011]-We are born with a slight forward tilted pelvis. So if we do correct the tilting angle, to what extent can we correct it? Correction of pelvic angle does not solve it all. I often heard physios scam the public by telling there is ‘quick-fix’ to anterior pelvic tilting. We should start to think of the body as a whole integration rather than individual working parts.Feed the dysfunction with whole body movement to re-introduce kinesthetic awareness of pelvic position—————————————💥”先天” 骨盆前傾 “骨盆角度”-常常聽到別人說自己骨盆有前傾,聽起來好像很糟。不過我告訴你,每個人天生骨盆便是前傾的,這樣是不是更可怕。我們來講一下什麼是骨盆角度-骨盆角度一般是從正常放鬆站姿下的X光片去做測量。從側面觀看,髂後上棘與髂前上棘的假想線,與水平面形成的夾角,就是骨盆角度。正常的骨盆角度是13° ± 6° [J. C. Le Huec et al., 2011]-每個人的骨盆都有點前傾,真有需要做調整訓練嗎。做了後傾的訓練,疼痛就可以得到改善嗎。我常聽到某些治療師會說,單純調整骨盆的位置,或宣稱這樣能解決下背痛。針對下背痛的問題,應該給的是脊椎跟骨盆相對的運動,將身體想成一個個體,做整體性的運動,增加大腦對骨盆動作的控制

--希望能透過更多主題,改變大家對身體的既有想法。物理治療沒有”一次就搞定”或什麼”兩招就能解決”,與其欺騙大眾,我更鼓勵的是著實的進行運動治療,透過整體性的運動,讓病人知道長期運動才是維持健康的方式。喜歡這樣的主題,歡迎分享。有其他想探討的主題,歡迎在下面留言- #jamesthephysiosigning out