- 💥Bench press warm-up (附中文)“How to avoid shoulder injury”-🤯9 out of 10 bodybuilders who come for physical therapy complain of shoulder pain, front and back, involving bicep tendinitis, shoulder impingement or rotator cuff tedinopathy-👨🏻⚕️ Every time I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a good shoulder warm-up routine it does on firing the rotator cuff in co-contraction, and to underpin shoulder stability in performing bench press-👆🏻⬅️Here are three easy quick exercises to do for shoulder warm-up before doing bench press, all requires a dumbbell, performed on the ground:-1️⃣ Supine dumbbell swing2️⃣ Supine dumbbell ER/IR3️⃣ Supine dumbbell ER/IR and press-✅ I suggest 30 seconds on each side for every exercise. 1-2 sets. The goal is to have all around pump both outside and inside(rotator cuff) the shoulder. We are aware of strengthening the “core” to protect our spine, but often we neglect it is as important to protect the shoulder joint from instability. Rotator cuff is the “core” muscles of the shoulder joint that protects the ball from falling out of the socket———————————💥卧推暖身復健課表“肩膀傷害預防”-❤️ 標記 分享給你訓練好伙伴-🤯 10個練健美的病人有9個進來診間都說肩膀痛,不管是肩膀前面還是後面痛,大多都離不開二頭肌發炎,旋轉肌受傷,間接會導致肩膀卡卡的聲音,彈響,肩胛在動的時候有聲音。復健科醫生還會說可能跟脊椎側彎有關,讓病人不自覺有高低肩的問題🤯-這在我的診間幾乎是每天都會聽到的事,我常跟病人說,你一定不是最後一個病人因為這問題來找我,但你不用擔心,你的問題很簡單,你只需要一個暖身的復健課表

- [video width="720" height="720" mp4="https://esenmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/95413397_559899338243759_2749549470870378157_n.mp4"][/video] -👆🏼⬅️ 這3個運動我推薦在卧推訓練之前做,只需要一個啞鈴,即可完成:.1️⃣ 平躺啞鈴上下動2️⃣ 平躺啞鈴內外轉3️⃣ 平躺啞鈴內外轉加推.✅ 建議一邊一組30秒,訓練前做1-2組。我們都知道訓練核心可以保護脊椎,可是我們都忽略了訓練肩膀的核心,或先做好旋轉肌的暖身再進行卧推的重要性。不要再當下一個只推輕重量當暖身然後受傷的受害者,旋轉肌暖身要做好做滿. #jamesthephysio signing out
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